dijous, 11 d’agost del 2011


Welcome to the Ethics and values blog for 4th of ESO.
This blog is the core material for Ethics and values education.

It has five pages:
1. Home page: the presentation of the blog includes the material for each weekly session/lesson. There is a a section for "comments" that you may use together with the paper activities as evaluation material.

2. Curriculum of the subject: according to the curriculum posted by the Departament d'Ensenyament de la Generalitat de Catalunya and based in the book "Global Issues"by R. Sampedro and S. Hillyard (OUP).

3. Contents: it includes the material for each weekly session/lesson which is named as Task. There is a a section for "comments" that you may use together with the paper activities as evaluation material.

4. Evaluation: will be focused in several aspects. a. student reasearch for projects b. hand outs
c. classroom participation and attitude d. blog and chatroom entries.
5. Resources: with reference material you can use.
Why in English?: The main aim of language teaching is to comunicate with people from other cultures. To promote tolerance and work to reduce conflict and inequality. The contents also focus on the develpment of critical thinking and lead you to a meanigful debate, discussion, reasoning and expressing differents point of view, help to develop and improve communication skills. You will also have "time to think"and promote in the classroom values such as tolerance, empathy, sharing, turn-thinking and creative and critical thinking skills. Anf finally, the English language is the principal vehicle of Global issues. However, some specific topic will be presented in your mother tongue.

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